how to play
everybody is trying to guess the same word. type your guess in the grid and press enter to submit it.
W | O | R | D | S |
after everyone submits their guess, the letters in your guess change colors.
W | O | R | D | S |
green means the word has that letter in that position. the first letter in the word must be W.
yellow means the word has that letter, but it's in a different position. an R is somewhere in the word, but it's not the third letter, and there's an S, but it's not the last letter.
a gray letter means the word doesn't have that letter. the word doesn't have an O or a D.
keep guessing until you can pin down the word and win the round!
W | O | R | D | S |
B | R | A | I | N |
W | R | I | S | T |
game timer
to keep the game moving, each player has a timer that counts down while they are thinking of a guess. your timer appears to the right of the grid, next to the current row.
60 |
your timer stops when you submit a guess and restarts once everyone has submitted their guess for that row.
if you run out of time, the game will display the message hurry up!—and your guess may be skipped!
hurry up! |
if you see this message, submit a guess as soon as you can.
after each row, a little more time is added to your timer. you get this extra time even if your guess was skipped for that row.
game over!
the word was
here are the results…
and hello wordl by lynn